Thursday, June 26, 2008

Book Review

Sadie and Ratz
- Sonya Hartnett

Reviewed by Roie Rm 11

Hannah has a baby brother called baby boy. He keeps on drawing on walls and stuff and keeps on saying Sadie and Ratz did it. Hannah says that Sadie and Ratz are on holiday and then her mum and Dad don't believe her. Then after a whilde they do believe her.

Based on a true story.

Riie's favourite part was when their mum and dad found out the baby boy was being naughty by breaking stuff and pulling insects legs off.

Lots of different aged children would like it and both boys and girls would be interested in it.

Roie thought the book was cool and would rate it 10 out of 10.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Grandma McGarvey

Grandma McGarvey
By Jenny Hessell

When Grandma McGarvey goest to the dump she loads up her car with the most amazing things, from old false teeth to an overcoat made of elephant skin.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Stefania's Dancing Slippers

Stefania's Dancing Slippers
Written by Jennifer Beck and Pictures by Lindy Fisher.

Reviewed by Caylah

Stefania's Dancing slippers is based in Poland in 1939. Stefania's mother made her a pair of dancing slippers and her mother also said she would make her a dancing gown. Things didn't turn out that way. Instead her father went to war. One night some Russian soldiers came knocking on the door and told them to leave home.

I would recommend ages 7 to 9 would enjoy reading this book.

Book Review - Our Big Blue Sofa

Our Big Blue Sofa
By Tim Hopgood.
Reviewed by Caylah
This book is about two kids called Jessica and Tom and their big blue sofa. The have all kinds of adventures like pretneding to be underwater explorers on a big blue submarine. This book has cool funcky fabric on every page.

This book would be enjoyed by anyone between 5 to 7 years.